U 1105
Click here for a map of the location of the U1105
This video shows the air search periscope of
the former German U-boat 1105. This
submarine surrendered to the Allied Naval Forces at the end of World War
II. This wreck is Navy property and is maintained by the Maryland Historical Trust as the
State’s first Submerged Historic Shipwreck Preserve. Information about this U-boat can be found at http://www.uboat.net/boats/u1105.html
and at www.history.navy.mil/branches/org12-5.htm. The Institute
of Maritime History currently maintains this dive site.
The video shows the top section (about 2
feet long) of the air search periscope is broken off but still attached to the
vessel by stainless steel cables. As
directed by Dr. Susan Langley, the Maryland State Archaeologist, volunteers
removed the broken section and delivered it to the Maryland Archeological
Conservation Laboratory in Calvert County for conservation and analysis in
August 2002.
The video shows the usual water turbidity
and current on this site, making this an advanced dive. The heavy line tied around the base of the
periscope leads to a concrete “clump” which serves as the anchor for the buoy
that marks the site and provides a safe anchorage to moor visiting dive
boats. The light line in the video goes
to a smaller marker buoy that directs the divers directly to the conning tower
of the wreck.
Dave Howe contributed to this page.